Research 'Power-to-Protein'
The power-to-protein research was performed in three different phases and co-financed with PPS funding from the Topconsortia for Knowledge & Innovation (TKI’s) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
- Read the results of the first TKI project on the website of TKI Watertechnology.
- Read the results of the second TKI project on the website of TKI Watertechnology.
- Read the results of the third TKI project on the website of TKI Watertechnology.
Eiwit uit rioolwater
De Ingenieur, 13 januari 2016
De Ingenieur at 'Spijkers met Koppen' (VARA)
Power-to-Protein: next step towards consumable single cell proteins from waste water and renewable hydrogen
F.I.H.M. Oesterholt, L. Palmen, W. Verstraete, J. Boere
Presented at the 3rd Int. Resource Recovery Conference 8 - 12 Sep 2019 in Venice
Presentation IRRC 2019_session _Frank Oesterholt_Power to Protein_vs3
Pilot scale production of single cell proteins using the power-to-protein concept
Frank Oesterholt, Silvio Matassa, Luc Palmen, Kees Roest, Willy Verstraete
Presented at the 2nd Int. Resource Recovery Conference 5 - 9 Aug 2017 in New York
Presentation IRRC 2017-session 1a-Kees Roest-KWR-Power to Protein
Thesis: Exploring protein production by hydrogen-oxidizing microbiomes
Matassa, S.
November 2016
Feasibility of the Power-to-Protein concept in the circular economy of the city of Amsterdam
Frank Oesterholt, Laura Snip, Silvio Matassa, Willy Verstraete
Presented at the IWA World Water Congres in Brisbane 9 - 13 Oct 2016
Autotrophic nitrogen assimilation and carbon capture for microbial protein production by a novel enrichment of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria
Silvio Matassa, Willy Verstraete, Ilje Pikaar, Nico Boon
Power to Protein koppelt water, energie en food (PtP links water, energy and food)
Interview with Willy Verstraete about the Power-to-Protein concept and the ungoing research with KWR (in Dutch)
Can direct conversion of used nitrogen to new feed and protein help feed the world?
Matassa, S., D.J. Batstone, T.Hülsen, J. Schnoor, W. Verstraete (2015b).
Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49, 5247 – 5254.
Resource recovery from used water: the manufacturing abilities of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria.
Matassa, S., N. Boon, W. Verstraete (2015a).
Water Research 68 (2015), 467-478
Circular economy in the Amsterdam region, including feasibility of the power to protein concept
De Buijzer, Roest, Oesterholt, Versteeg, Hofman, Verstraete, Boere.
IWW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 November 2015
IWA Resource Recovery conference Ghent, Belgium, 1 september 2015